Proposed updates to Issue 10 - Interactive Control Contrast (Minimum)

Dearest LVTF,

I've been refining Issue 10 (proposed WCAG 2.1 SC Interactive Control
Contrast (Minimum)) based on feedback from the community and keeping Issue
10 in parallel with Issue 9.

The changes I've made this week are documented here:

I've asked Jim Allan if I can be on the agenda this week so I can make sure
everyone on the LVTF is satisfied with this latest round of changes.

Brief description of changes made this round:

   1. *Changed px to CSS px* (Why: For testability and consistency with
   Issue 9 )
   2. *Added CSS px definition* (Why: For clarity, testability and to
   parallel issue 9)
   3. *Removed references to interactive image(s)* (Why: anything related
   to contrast within a graphic is moving to Issue 9 )
   4. *Renamed proposed SC* from "Interactive Element Contrast (Minimum)"
   to "Interactive Control Contrast (Minimum)". And issue 9
   <> is changing from "informational
   Graphic Contrast (Minimum)" to "Graphic Contrast (Minimum)". (Why: For
   simplicity and clarity, Issue 9 will cover contrast related to graphics.
   Issue 10 will cover contrast related to user interface components (like
   text inputs and radio buttons) and focus indicators, selection indicators.
   5. *Refined "immediate surrounding background" to "immediate surrounding
   color(s)"* and adjusted definition of "immediate surrounding color(s)".
   (Why: For clarity and consistency with Issue 9 )
   6. *Removed confusing / unnecessary glossary terms* (Why: the proposed
   glossary terms of border line, medium width border and medium indicator
   caused confusion. Proposed SC has been simplified so these terms are no
   longer necessary)
   7. *Added examples* ( (Why: For clarity)

To A11Y and Beyond!

glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |    |    512.963.3773

*web for everyone. web on everything.* -  w3 goals

Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 03:13:45 UTC