Re: Must "technologies being used" be in a SC's text, if that SC has support in 2 technologies?

Gregg wrote:
> I agree that scoping it is not desirable, since it gives a pass to anyone that uses a technology that doesn’t support it.

Or we use the “mechanism is available” language so that technologies without the user-agent ability to override styles can pass if the author includes the mechanism.

However, I think the basic principle of whether these are scoped to “web content” or aiming for a wider reach is still there.

If the mechanism language is included that is off-putting to anyone working with web content.

I would prefer to push the accessibility of web content further (in the “web content” guidelines), and mark some SC is less or not-applicable to non-web contexts, which is presumably what the Web2ICT report did?

Kind regards,


Received on Monday, 24 April 2017 08:09:35 UTC