Re: Unleashing FORCE Linked Open Data against COVID19

On 3/21/20 3:59 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Mar 2020 at 20:21, Kingsley Idehen <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Everyone,
>     The world is confronting a global challenge in the form of the
>     COVID19 disease spread by the SARS_COV_2 virus.
>     Data (Measurements), Information (Metrics), and Knowledge
>     (Insights) are crucial right now, with regards to supporting the
>     needs of drug makers, healthcare workers, governments, and
>     everyone else dealing the the effects of this new reality.
>     This community produced a massive LODCloud KnowledgeGraph that has
>     been growing stealthily for years (since 2007), and luckily it
>     includes a significant segment dedicated to Life Sciences and
>     BioInformatics.
>     Let's build on this most powerful asset by integrating with newer
>     data emerging about the virus, disease it causes.
>     I've published a post [1] that provides examples and technical
>     details about how we can achieve what I am suggesting.
> The countries that have been successful in stopping Covid-19 to
> pervent Sars 2 have used a number of techniques.
> Widespread testing and reporting -- e.g. South Korea
> Contact tracing in the fat tail
> In china they have a QR code to determine the fat tail of different
> paths of the disease.  They change color when you might be on a train
> that someone else tested positive for.
> So there is the big data approach, LOD, SPARQL, quadstores
> And the small data approach, social, personal data, small files,
> blinding, cryptography, aggregated data
> The two can combine to give both a global dasboard (website) and
> personal dashboard (web) app
> Here's an attempt at an app:
> But we are just in the foothills of this disease.  It's going to get a
> lot bigger, and come back in waves.  Then it will also mutate to
> create new diseases SAR 3, 4, 5 .... N.  Indeed by about the 2030s it
> will be possible to synthesize such things on relatively inexpensive
> hardware
> So fighting Covid-YYYY will become the new normal
> But I think it's all siloed data.  Government will track this
> centrally.  Then you hand over your phone an they track your
> contacts.  Silos all the way down ...

Basic instinct is the wrap all of this in silo-vectors, but that will
only unleash more problems (as you've already outlined).

The principle of identifying things with hyperlinks and describing
things using a collection of RDF structured sentences/statements where
the subject, predicate, and object (optionally) are identified by
hyperlinks is crucial. Only with that as the baseline do we negate the
terrible habit of data silo vectors implicitly generated by apps and

Dashboards and apps need to learn to loosely-couple data and application
logic. We need to help developers understand how this is done and why it
is so important, going forward.


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Received on Saturday, 21 March 2020 20:16:38 UTC