making our HTML+RDFa queryable

Dear all,

Publishing Linked Data as RDFa triples in HTML pages several benefits.
For instance, it's an easy way to integrate LD publishing in existing workflows.
However, the Linked Data approach (as in: one document per subject)
has its limits with regard to finding and querying knowledge.

I recently created a simple pipeline to make embedded RDFa queryable.
Data from my website ( can be browsed online
( and be queried with SPARQL in the browser
(, even with federated queries.

I have documented the approach in an HTML+RDFa article
which I have submitted to the LDOW2017 workshop.
(The submission deadline is still open BTW, submit your stuff!)

Hopefully this pipeline inspires others to do the same;
and then we can execute federated queries over our sites :-)

Feedback and/or reviews of the article are most welcome!



Received on Monday, 23 January 2017 20:25:14 UTC