Re: Quick Poll

Not sure where you are going, but you are probably interested in
linksets - as a way to package equivalence relations - typically in a
graph of its own.

To answer the questions:

Q1: d) in subject, property, object, or multiple of those.

Q2: No. We already reuse existing vocabularies and external
identifiers, and there could be a nested structure which is only
indirectly connected to "our" URIs.

<> pav:authoredBy
<> .
<> foaf:name "Stian Soiland-Reyes" .

It's true you would also get the second triple from ORCID (remember
content negotiation!), but it's very useful for presentation and query
purposes to include these directly, e.g. in a VOID file.

In most cases we do however not have any "our URIs" except for
provenance statements. But perhaps Open PHACTS is special in that
regard as we are integrating other people's datasets and shouldn't be
making up any data of our own. :)

Perhaps also of interest:

In the Open PHACTS project <> we use this
extensively - we let the end-user choose which linksets of weak and
strong equivalences they want to apply when a query is made. Such a
collection of linksets and their application we call a "lense" - so
you apply lenses to merge/unmerge your data. See

In our identity mapping service
we pass in several parameters - the minimal is the URI to map.

See and use as
the URI.

We also have a piece of magic that can rewrite a SPARQL query to use
the mapped URIs for a given variable (adding FILTER statements) try -

On 23 January 2015 at 11:39, Hugh Glaser <> wrote:
> I would be really interested to know, please.
> I suggest answers by email, and I’ll report back eventually.
> Here goes:
> Imagine you have some of your own RDF using URIs on your base/domain.
> And you have reconciled some of your URIs against some other stuff, such as dbpedia, freebase, geonames...
> Now, visualise the owl:sameAs (or skos:whatever) triples you have made to represent that.
> Q1: Where are your URIs?
> a) subject, b) object, c) both
> Q2: Do all the triples have one of your URIs in them?
> a) yes, b) no
> It’s just for a choice I have about the input format for sameAs services, so I thought I would ask :-)
> Best
> Hugh
> --
> Hugh Glaser
>    20 Portchester Rise
>    Eastleigh
>    SO50 4QS
> Mobile: +44 75 9533 4155, Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 16:23:58 UTC