Quick Poll

I would be really interested to know, please.
I suggest answers by email, and I’ll report back eventually.

Here goes:
Imagine you have some of your own RDF using URIs on your base/domain.
And you have reconciled some of your URIs against some other stuff, such as dbpedia, freebase, geonames...
Now, visualise the owl:sameAs (or skos:whatever) triples you have made to represent that.

Q1: Where are your URIs?
a) subject, b) object, c) both
Q2: Do all the triples have one of your URIs in them?
a) yes, b) no

It’s just for a choice I have about the input format for sameAs services, so I thought I would ask :-)

Hugh Glaser
   20 Portchester Rise
   SO50 4QS
Mobile: +44 75 9533 4155, Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 11:39:25 UTC