RE: How to avoid that collections "break" relationships


 > I wasn't talking about dereferencing URLs. What I meant was that
 > rdfs:seeAlso doesn't tell you anything by itself. You have to analyze
 > whether one of the things it points to is of interest to you. In most
 > other cases, the decision whether something is of interesting (or at
 > least worth a closer look) based on the property that is used to
 > connect it to something we are already interested in (e.g., the
 > schema:knows relations of a person we are interested in).
 > ...
 > An alternative to "basic properties" such as rdf:seeAlso might be to
 > introduce something like hasRelationshipIndirection (obviously  with a
 > better name)
 >  {
 >    "@id": "/markus",
 >    "hasRelationshipIndirection": {
 >      "property": "schema:knows",
 >      "resource": "/markus/friends"
 >    }
 >  }
 > I haven't really thought this through yet but wanted to share it
 > nevertheless.

Using "basic" properties, can't it be just as simple as (within 

<.../markus> rdfs:seeAlso <.../markus/friends> .
<.../markus/friends> dc:subject _:s .
_:s a              rdf:Statement ;
     rdf:subject    <.../markus> ;
     rdf:predicate  foaf:knows ;
     rdf:object     _:somebody .

with plenty of statements at <.../markus/friends> of the form:

<.../markus> foaf:knows :Alice .
<.../markus> foaf:knows :Bob .



Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 07:18:36 UTC