Re: Is it best practices to use a rdfs:seeAlso link to a potentially multimegabyte PDF?, existing predicate for linking to PDF?

On Чтв, 2011-01-13 at 11:04 +0000, Phil Archer wrote:
> Describing a URI with further triples is good, nothing wrong with that, 
> but to use that to decide whether or not to dereference an rdfs:seeAlso 
> URI means looking for a description of the linked resource and then 
> acting accordingly. That sounds like a relatively heavy bit of 
> processing that HTTP kind of takes care of for you.

Phil, how then do you propose to deal with the following:

- RDFa
- web servers that (in full compliance with the spec[1]) ignore the Accept
  header and just send 200 with the only representation they have (try
  HEAD with Accept:
  application/rdf+xml, pay attention to the Content-Length returned)


Vasiliy Faronov

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2011 11:37:19 UTC