Re: survey: who uses the triple foaf:name rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label?

Hi Dan

For the record what happened to geonames ontology re. this issue

Answering to the first publication of geonames ontology in october 2006, Tim
Berners-Lee himself asked for the "geonames:name" attribute to be declared
as a subproperty of rdfs:label to make Tabulator able to use it. And in
order to make DL tools also happy the trick was to have a "Full" ontology
declaring the subproperties of rdfs:label and importing a "Lite" ontology.
I'm afraid I can find now neither on which list this conversation took
place, nor who suggested the trick.

It was done so until version 2.0, see

I changed it from version 2.1, by declaring the various geonames naming
properties as subproperties of either skos:prefLabel or skos:altLabel,
kicking the issue out towards the SKOS outfield, and getting rid of this
cumbersome splitting of the ontology into a "Full" and "Lite" part.

That can't be done for foaf:name I'm afraid, but it would be interesting to
know if Tabulator uses subproperty declarations in the case of foaf:name.



2010/11/12 Dan Brickley <>

> Dear all,
> The FOAF RDFS/OWL document currently includes the triple
>  foaf:name rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
> This is one of several things that OWL DL oriented tools (eg.
> don't seem to like, since it
> mixes application schemas with the W3C builtins.
> So for now, pure fact-finding. I would like to know if anyone is
> actively using this triple, eg. for Linked Data browsers. If we can
> avoid this degenerating into a thread about the merits or otherwise of
> description logic, I would be hugely grateful.
> So -
> 1. do you have code / applications that checks to see if a property is
> "rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label" ?
> 2. do you have any scope to change this behaviour (eg. it's a web
> service under your control, rather than shipping desktop software )
> 3. would you consider checking for ?x rdf:type foaf:LabelProperty or
> other idioms instead (or rather, as well).
> 4. would you object if the triple "foaf:name rdfs:subPropertyOf
> rdfs:label " is removed from future version of the main FOAF RDFS/OWL
> schema? (it could be linked elsewhere, mind)
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Friday, 12 November 2010 11:50:33 UTC