Re: [foaf-dev] EON - event of note

On Sun, 7 Nov 2010 14:50:58 -0700
Robert Sanderson <> wrote:

> Is there some reason not to use LODE?

A few, though they could possibly be addressed by a revision of LODE:

1. lode:Event appears to be restricted to events which have already
   happened. One of the main use cases for EON is to describe events
   which are planned.

2. Its time properties use OWL Time which is overly complicated for the
   lightweight FOAF-style vocabulary I'm aiming for, suitable for easy
   embedding in web pages.

3. It's missing certain properties that seem to be useful to cover the
   kind events that are advertised/mentioned on the Web - cost, booking
   links, etc.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Sunday, 7 November 2010 22:50:07 UTC