Re: 200 OK with Content-Location might work: But maybe it can be simpler?

Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
> How about something that's totally independant from HEADER issues?
> think normal people here. absolutely 0 interest to mess with headers
> and http responses.. absolutely no business incentive to do it.
> as a baseline think someone wanting to annotate with RDFa a hand
> crafted, apached served html file.
> really.. as simple as serving this people.
> as simple as anyone who's using opengraph just copy pastes into their
> HTML template.. as simple as this
> really, please, its the only thing that can work?

+1 from me - all this </slash> uri and 303 nonsense, now other codes and 
any form of HTTP awareness is best completely removed. uri#frag gives us 
that semantic indirection we need, without anybody even noticing (and 
allows 200 OK).



Received on Friday, 5 November 2010 17:28:09 UTC