Re: Is 303 really necessary?

On Thursday 04 November 2010, Ian Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, November 4, 2010, Jörn Hees <> wrote:
> > Hi Ian,
> > 
> > From your blogpost:
> >> Under my new scheme:
> >> GET /toucan responds with 200 and a representation containing some RDF
> >> which includes the triples </toucan> ex:owner </anna> and </toucan>
> >> ex:isDescribedBy </doc>
> >> GET /doc responds with 200 and a representation containing some RDF
> >> which includes the triple </doc> ex:owner </fred>
> > 
> > So how can I then say that your description of toucan is wrong without
> > saying that the poor toucan is wrong?
> Use the URI of the document /doc

What about this statement in GET /toucan:
</toucan> ex:owner </anna>

As soon as anything comes back for </toucan> how am I to distinguish between 
that document and the toucan?

Is that part of the toucan or of a description of toucan?
Did you perhaps mean it to be included in </doc>?
And: are there any other statements in /toucan allowed than ex:isDescribedBy?


Received on Thursday, 4 November 2010 19:11:35 UTC