Re: Language Support for Triples and Linked Data

(Apologies to anyone who gets this message twice; my original message
to the list doesn't seem to have gotten through)

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Nathan <> wrote:
> Hi All,

Hi Nathan,

> Does anybody know of any programming languages, released or in
> development / patching which support for EAV / triples / URIs as
> attribute/variable names

Marko mentioned Ripple (in addition to the new Gremlin language),
which is a scripting language designed for traversal-based operations
on Linked Data (and other RDF data sets). In Ripple, programs are
identified by URIs and expressed with RDF triples (as RDF lists). With
the right setup, programs can actually be embedded in the Web as
Linked Data.

> or native support of xsd types?

All of Ripple's basic data types are drawn from XML Schema.  Ripple
follows Turtle in most of its syntax, including abbreviated syntax for
xsd:boolean, xsd:integer, xsd:double, and xsd:decimal values, e.g.

   3.14159 2 mul >> .

The value 3.14159 is an xsd:decimal, while 2 is an xsd:integer.
xsd:long and xsd:string are also supported natively.  For example, the
following gets you the population of France as an xsd:long (because
that's what the CIA Factbook linked data gives you):

   @prefix factbook: <> .
   @define france: <> .

   :france >> factbook:population_total >> .

There are language primitives like "greater than" which are able to
consume the xsd:long value and do useful things with it, e.g.

   @define country neighborWithHigherPop:
       country factbook:landboundary >>
       (factbook:population_total >>
           country factbook:population_total >> gt >>) require >> .

   :france >> :neighborWithHigherPop >> .

That last line gets you all of France's neighbors with a population
greater than France's.

Best regards,

Joshua Shinavier
Tetherless World PhD Student

> Currently having to use complex arrays and structures to handle triples
> in all languages I hit.
> Failing this has anybody found working with RDF particularly easy / well
> supported in any languages?
> Many Regards,
> Nathan

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 21:52:33 UTC