Re: Linking HTML pages and data

On 16/02/10 12:39, Sean Bechhofer wrote:
> LODders
> A simple (possibly dumb) question. Is there a standard mechanism for
> linking an HTML page to the non-information resource that it describes?

> In contrast, if I look at the page for the band on the BBC, i.e.
> <>
> there seems to be no reference at all to the non-information resource
> <>
> which is the "subject" of the page.

In this case you have:

html:rel alternate -> rdf version of page

(you can also ask for rdf/xml directly in accept header).

RDF version says primary topic is '...#artist'

So perhaps the BBC perspective is that the HTML is a lower-fidelity 
representation of the resource.

The dbpedia page also has a rel alternate to an rdf version. In that 
case, however, the page isn't mentioned.

I would add a little RDFa (to beef up the fidelity a touch) and use 


Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 14:02:38 UTC