Re: linking facebook data

Hi Li,

I have just had another look at another user which isn't me (school boy error on my behalf ;)

And I think I found a bug you in your implementation : 

the above rdf document has a dob of which is set to : -1/16/-001

Which doesn't seem correct to me, perhaps a bug in your code?

I looked at boris's public facebook page and, didn't see his dob,!/borisjohnson?v=info

but after consulting wikipedia it should be 19th June 1964

Anyways, just another pointer. 


On 28 Apr 2010, at 21:13, Mischa Tuffield wrote:

> Hello, 
> Am cc'ing the foaf-dev mailing (sorry for cross posting)...
> I just had a look at your fb graph API -> foaf rdf service[1], firstly cool stuff, but I have a few points I will address below. 
> I recall Matthew Rowe[2] making a similar service a few years ago which spat out foaf data for a user's fb account, and I recall fb getting annoyed. Am guessing they mentally might have shifted since danbri's good work in getting them involve with SW tech  (great work once again by danbri ... *tonnes of applause), I guess we will find out soon ...
> My point of reference is my facebook account, and the URI you mint of your service looks like so :  
> Points: 
> 1. I would be nice if the person URI you mint, was explicitly a foaf:Person, e.g. : 
> <> a foaf:Person . 
> 2. The document URI could have a foaf:primaryTopic triple in there such as: 
> <> foaf:primaryTopic <> .
> Which in turn identifies which foaf:Person in the RDF document is a "main (wo)man" being defined. This would be useful in the case where the given user's friends are also listed in the document.
> 3. Ideally the document URI would be a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument such as : 
> <> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument . 
> 4. Why didn't you make use of foaf:givenname and foaf:familyname which are spec'ed out in the foaf ontology[3], not a biggy but reuse is said to be the right thing™ todo :)
> 5. You could add an xsd:dateTime to the dcterms:created triple, as apposed to exposing the data as a plain text literal.
> <> dcterms:created "2010-04-27T12:42:11Z"^^xsd:dateTime .  
> 6. If i am not mistaken you could also get your hands on my fb avatar URI via the calls you make, that would be nice to see in your rdf.
> But yeah, good work :)
> Mischa *is happy that hardly any of my fb data is accessible via the fb graph API :)
> [1]
> [2] <>
> [3]
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 15:02, Li Ding wrote:
>> I just built a demo that provides dereferenable HTTP URIs (with
>> RDF/XML data) for Facebook data using data retrieved from the recently
>> announced  Graph API by Facebook.  see
>> In the demo, I observed inconsistent term usage between the Facebook
>> data  API (JSON) and open graph protocol vocabulary. There is also
>> some good potential to get the Facebook terms mapped to FOAF and
>> DCterms terms. Please see my blog at
>> .
>> Comments are welcome.
>> best,
>> -- 
>> Li Ding

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 20:27:23 UTC