Re: Common Tag - semantic tagging convention

2009/6/18 Bernard Vatant <>:

> - The date seems to me a very important piece of information, in particular
> if you look at tags from the vocabulary management, and/or search engines
> viewpoint. First, labels change more often than concepts, and second, a
> search engine would be happy to leverage on date information to show trendy
> concepts and tags. Which concepts were used as tag today or in the past
> week/month/year.
> - And to follow François, I'm very surprised not to find any "taggedBy"
> property in the vocabulary.

I'm won over by the arguments for offering support for the date, but...

> That said, why not use simply dc:creator and dc:date to this effect?

Right. dc:date would seem a good choice, though I reckon foaf:maker
might be a better option than dc:creator as the object is a resource
(a foaf:Agent) rather than a literal. While it's likely to mean an
extra node in many current scenarios, it offers significantly more
prospect for linking data (and less ambiguity).

btw, has anyone had chance to revisit the mappings?



Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 10:49:06 UTC