Re: Common Tag - semantic tagging convention

Hello all

Just trying to incorporate Common Tag elements in a customer ontolgy ...
Two remarks
- The date seems to me a very important piece of information, in 
particular if you look at tags from the vocabulary management, and/or 
search engines viewpoint. First, labels change more often than concepts, 
and second, a search engine would be happy to leverage on date 
information to show trendy concepts and tags. Which concepts were used 
as tag today or in the past week/month/year.
- And to follow François, I'm very surprised not to find any "taggedBy" 
property in the vocabulary.

That said, why not use simply dc:creator and dc:date to this effect?

> 2009/6/12 Peter Mika < <>>
>     Maybe others can comment as well, but I do think it's
>     [taggingDate] an important piece of information, e.g. to determine
>     recently popular tags.
> In my very humble opinion, **who** tagged a resource with ctag T at 
> time t could also be a very useful information to store. I'm expecting 
> that in the near future we will have rich user profiles, based on sets 
> of semantic tags (semantic tagclouds, if you prefer). Communities of 
> interest, not just individual people, could also be defined in terms 
> of such semantic cIouds. I think lots of interesting computations 
> could be done over that kind of information: personalised reading 
> recommendations obviously, but also relativisation of the popularity 
> of a tagset (and I agree the timestamp is useful for that) to a 
> particular community of users.
> For this sort of thing, don't we need a "taggedBy" property?


*Bernard Vatant
*Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
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Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 09:44:47 UTC