Re: Merging Databases

On 20/07/2009 21:29, "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:

> Oktie Hassanzadeh wrote:
>> Thanks for pointing this out. I agree that for this case, sameAs is an
>> incorrect type for the links to other drug sources since intervention
>> is not necessarily a drug, and has a description associated with it.
>> We should treat drug as an entity for the sameAs links to make more
>> sense. I'm working on this and will let you all know once I update the
>> data source.
> Oktie,
> All of us that are consuming the Linked Open Drug Data (LODD) really
> need to be notified. I am a little shocked that this anomaly (as
> identified by Alan) exists re. use of "owl:sameAs" in the current data
> set release.
> Kingsley
Hi Kingsley,
I can't say I am.
I don't see why you would have any expectation either way, as I don't know
of any systematic study of the reliability of these links (other than
specific studies of dblp).
I actually am aware of quite a few problems in the LOD Cloud.
One of the reasons that problems are not detected is that there are hardly
any applications actually using the data, so it is unlikely problems will be
I can actually tell you from personal experience that as soon as you start
to build an application that uses more than a couple of LD sites, much of
the published equivalence data has to be rejected.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings - please don't shoot the messenger!

Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 20:47:41 UTC