Re: owl:sameAs links from OpenCyc to WordNet

Mint a new URI in a (new?) opencyc class that is what you think the
wordnet:NounSynset is (or use the same class, which would be better).
Then establish the exact property you want between
And your new URI.
And assert owl:sameAs between them.

Seems to capture the knowledge?
So you get the interlinkage using the right property, and you get to say in
your ontology exactly what is going on.
Because in the end the things you are trying to say sameAs aren't, I guess.
Seems to me it is a very similar situation to the usual problem of something
like the political entity India versus the geographic country India.

Then if I understand your new property I can use it as I like, but caveat


Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 20:35:32 UTC