Re: owl:sameAs links from OpenCyc to WordNet

On 23/2/09 20:32, Frederick Giasson wrote:
> Hi Dan,
>> Certainly a useful concept to have name(s) for, ... but I think not
>> quite what is needed to link these specific datasets. The W3C wordnet
>> data is a collection of descriptions of linguistic concepts. The
>> OpenCyc things they're linked to are not linguistic entities, but the
>> real world things the words are associated with. So they're not
>> near-identical similar objects, but things that are generally from
>> disjoint classes. Paris the place, vs "Paris" the word (or the set of
>> synonymous words _for_ Paris...). I think this is a distinction worth
>> keeping reasonably explicit.
> Sorry, I probably haven't been clear with my email (at least, Mike told
> me I was not ;))
> I *was not suggesting* to use it, but probably more a subpropertyof
> seeAlso (even though, this is probably not the right one as a super
> property).

Ah, I probably read too fast, sorry!

Yes, declaring something a specialization of rdfs:seeAlso can be a nice 
hint. But if you take very 
seriously, pretty much all URIs are fair game for dereferencing. In 
which case it becomes a bit unclear when it is worth throwing 
rdfs:seeAlso into the mix...



Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 19:37:27 UTC