Re: Drilling into the LOD Cloud

Hi all,

First of all, I think that this thread is going out of control and some 
things have to be keep into mind when we talk about this stuff.

>>>>> Then between UMBEL and OpenCyc:
>>>>> 1. owl:sameAs
>>>>> 2. owl:equivalentClass
>>>> If these thingies are owl:sameAs, then presumably they have same IP- 
>>>> related characteristics, owners, creation dates etc?
>>>> Does that mean Cycorp owns UMBEL?
>>> Dan,
>>> No, it implies that in the UMBEL data space you have equivalence  
>>> between Classes used to define UMBEL subject concepts (subject  
>>> matter entities) and OpenCyc.

Exact Damian,

"does that mean Cycorp owns UMBEL"? : no.

Dan wanted to show the strongness of the sameAs property with such a  

But the current fact is that UMBEL is a subset of OpenCyc (that is a 
subset of Cyc) where each UMBEL subject concept is an equivalentClass to 
a OpenCyc class. No sameAs relationship exists between umbel subject 
concepts and opencyc classes: everything happen at the "class level".

Now, what happen for UMBEL named entities? (invididual of classes). Some 
UMBEL named entities are sameAs dbpedia resources, yago resources, etc. 
However, the question is: does that mean that dbpedia or yago own umbel 
named entities? No.

One set of named entities that describes named entities that appear on 
Wikipedia (and another one describe named entities described in the john 
peel sessions dataset from the bbc). On its side, DBpedia has done the 
same thing: it described individual of classes that appear on Wikipedia.

So, if a sameAs statement is done between the UMBEL named entity (that 
is an individual of a class; so a candidate to use sameAs) that describe 
Abraham Lincoln for example, is sameAs, DBPedia's resource describing 
Abraham_Lincoln; does that mean that the "meta data that describe the 
creator of the description of the resource" is the same too? No since as 
other said on this thread: this "meta-data" would be described as its 
own resource.

In any case, sameAs is a really strong statement to link instances of 
classes together. It is why we introduced the property umbel:isLike in 
umbel for example (still a test and feedbacks are welcome :) )


Take care,


Received on Monday, 29 September 2008 12:17:48 UTC