Re: Drilling into the LOD Cloud

Frederick Giasson wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all, I think that this thread is going out of control and 
> some things have to be keep into mind when we talk about this stuff.
>>>>>> Then between UMBEL and OpenCyc:
>>>>>> 1. owl:sameAs
>>>>>> 2. owl:equivalentClass
>>>>> If these thingies are owl:sameAs, then presumably they have same 
>>>>> IP- related characteristics, owners, creation dates etc?
>>>>> Does that mean Cycorp owns UMBEL?
>>>> Dan,
>>>> No, it implies that in the UMBEL data space you have equivalence  
>>>> between Classes used to define UMBEL subject concepts (subject  
>>>> matter entities) and OpenCyc.
> Exact Damian,
> "does that mean Cycorp owns UMBEL"? : no.
> Dan wanted to show the strongness of the sameAs property with such a  
> conclusion
> But the current fact is that UMBEL is a subset of OpenCyc (that is a 
> subset of Cyc) where each UMBEL subject concept is an equivalentClass 
> to a OpenCyc class. No sameAs relationship exists between umbel 
> subject concepts and opencyc classes: everything happen at the "class 
> level".
> Now, what happen for UMBEL named entities? (invididual of classes). 
> Some UMBEL named entities are sameAs dbpedia resources, yago 
> resources, etc. However, the question is: does that mean that dbpedia 
> or yago own umbel named entities? No.
> One set of named entities that describes named entities that appear on 
> Wikipedia (and another one describe named entities described in the 
> john peel sessions dataset from the bbc). On its side, DBpedia has 
> done the same thing: it described individual of classes that appear on 
> Wikipedia.
> So, if a sameAs statement is done between the UMBEL named entity (that 
> is an individual of a class; so a candidate to use sameAs) that 
> describe Abraham Lincoln for example, is sameAs, DBPedia's resource 
> describing Abraham_Lincoln; does that mean that the "meta data that 
> describe the creator of the description of the resource" is the same 
> too? No since as other said on this thread: this "meta-data" would be 
> described as its own resource.
> In any case, sameAs is a really strong statement to link instances of 
> classes together. It is why we introduced the property umbel:isLike in 
> umbel for example (still a test and feedbacks are welcome :) )
> Thanks,
> Take care,
> Fred

The missing example :-)

<> a sc:Boxer ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
owl:sameAs < > ;
umbel:isLike <> ;
umbel:hasSemset <> .




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Received on Monday, 29 September 2008 13:31:35 UTC