Re: linked data mashups

Peter Ansell wrote:
> 2008/11/23 Juan Sequeda < 
> <>>
>     Hi Giovanni and all
>     On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Giovanni Tummarello
>     <
>     <>> wrote:
>         > I guess that is THE question now: What can we do this year
>         that we
>         > couldn't do last year?
>         > ( thanks to the massive amount of available LOD ).
>         Two days ago the discussion touched this interesting point. I
>         do not
>         know how to answer this question.
>         Ideas?
>     We need to start consuming linked data and making reall mashup
>     applications powered by linked data. A couple of days I just
>     mentioned the link for SQUIN:
>     The idea of SQUIN came out of ISWC08 with Olaf Hartig. The
>     objective is to make LOD accesible easily to web2.0 app
>     developers. We envision adding an "S" compoment to the LAMP stack.
>     This will allow people to easily query LOD from their own server.
>     We should have a demo ready in the next couple of weeks.
>     We believe that this is something needed to actually start using
>     LOD and making it accesible to everybody.
> How does SQIUN differ to a typical HTTP SPARQL endpoint? So far it 
> accepts a "query" parameter as a SPARQL select statement and executes 
> the parameter on (some configured?) SPARQL endpoints from looking at 
> the single sourcefile I could find [1]. Having said that, I have been 
> holding off getting my bio2rdf server to actually process rdf but it 
> doesn't look so hard now. (The bio2rdf server is actually more generic 
> than just biology or even bio2rdf but it is still named that in 
> response to its origins. And in contrast to SQUIN it focuses on 
> CONSTRUCT queries rather than SELECT)
> On the subject of mashups I have been thinking in the last few days of 
> combining the bio2rdf server with the 
> <> interface for mashups, as some fairly 
> sophisticated mashups can be done on 
> <>, but a lot of the generic queries seem to be 
> better handled at the client level where people can control with 
> configurations what endpoints are used and have backups if a 
> particular endpoint fails.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> [1]

Has anything happened re. cross-linking the data across and

Sane cross-linking is vital to Linked Data Web oriented Meshups.

Note, there is a distinct difference between a Mashup and a Meshup in my 
world view. Mashups are nice looking opaque Web pages that have code 
behind them while Meshups are transparent Web pages with Linked Data 
behind them (i.e. the data object URIs are accessible to machines). A 
Meshup style page is really the Linked Data Web's equivalent of a 
traditional DBMS View.



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Received on Sunday, 23 November 2008 16:37:20 UTC