- From: Frans Knibbe <frans.knibbe@geodan.nl>
- Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 17:09:58 +0100
- To: "public-locadd@w3.org Mailing list" <public-locadd@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAFVDz43ELxb+Y5ftQzreemJ9pFngvh7V4hyCtdAbkpRypOQW7w@mail.gmail.com>
Hello, A while ago we had a thread about Open Location Code <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-locadd/2015Aug/0000.html>, which is an example of a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Global_Grid>. There is an OGC Standards Working Group dedicated to the topic, the DGGS SWG <http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/dggsswg>. I wonder if the Location Core Vocabulary is already equipped to work with DGGS references. It is imaginable that people will want to use a DGGS code to identify a location, perhaps as the only way to locate a thing on Earth. Could such a code be expressed with LOCN? The most appropriate property for doing that seems to be the geographic identifier <https://www.w3.org/ns/locn#rdfs:seeAlso>, for which rdfs:seeAlso is taken to be the appropriate term. So would rdfs:seeAlso be a good way to refer to a DGGS location? Two questions come to mind: 1. I have not studied all DGGS, but in the general case I think a DGGS reference consists of a code and an indication of a DGGS scheme, which is needed to decipher the code. Does that mean a DGGS reference needs two semantic elements? Or is it all right to assume that all DGGS references can always be expressed as a single URI (e.g. https ://map.what3words.com/monorail.section.trespass)? 2. Will it be obvious to agents looking voor location data that rdf: seeAlso can be used for an indication of location? I mean, rdfs:seeAlso is also used for other types of relations (I realise that this is actually not only about DGGS, but about the discoverability of location information in general, where an unspecific term like rdfs:seeAlso is used). So what do you think? Greetings, Frans
Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 16:10:32 UTC