Open Location Code


A colleague pointed me at a new way of identifying a location: Open
Location Code <>, an initiative from Google. It
is a way to identify a location with a short code, an alternative to a
postal address. Apparently the codes are assigned based on a  global lat/lon
grid. Well, the short explanation on the website is clear enough.

Besides this being an interesting development in the area of locations and
addresses, I wonder how such a new way of identifying a location could be
used with the Location Core Vocabulary. It is an address-like thing, but it
does not seem to fit the INSPIRE Address Representation data type
It can be used instead of an address, but also be  part of an address (see
the example "P9FW+6M Pisa, Italy").

I would be nice for such a location identifier to have an RDF definition.
What would be a way to develop and maintain such a thing?


Frans Knibbe
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)

T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347
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Received on Friday, 21 August 2015 09:27:21 UTC