jsonld.js and json-ld.org playground updates

jsonld.js [1] now has support for all of the current W3C Community
Group Draft JSON-LD 1.1 features except for some related to framing.
A huge thanks to Gregg Kellogg for making this happen!  This work is
in the 0.6.x branch [2].  The "latest" npm version of jsonld.js was
also updated to 0.5.x branch which, among many other changes, fixes
some JSON-LD 1.0 issues.

The json-ld.org playground was updated to use the 0.5.x code.

A "dev" playground [3] was added that can handle the new 1.1 features
using the 0.6.x code.  I'm unsure if we need two versions, one for
final(ish) specs and one for drafts.  Maybe just one would be ok?

As a final bonus, I added a table view to the playground.  Sometimes
easier to look at than N-Quads text.  Let me know if that's useful.


[1] https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js
[2] https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js/tree/0.6.x
[3] https://json-ld.localhost/playground-dev/


Received on Friday, 26 January 2018 19:32:15 UTC