RE: EXTERNAL: Re: validation of json-ld to context schema

Gregg and john,

Thank you for the help…. Maybe I am expecting too much of json-ld and the tooling. What I expected was that an implementation of the json-ld would “validate” that the document was correct. Correct meaning that the document made a valid use of the vocabulary the context asserted that it used. Additionally, I expected that the implementation would have a form of type verification that is, assume the following:

{ "@context" : { "ex" : "" ,

                        "sch" : "",

                "actor" :  { "@id" : "ex:actor" ,  "@type" : "sch:Person"},

                "crime" : {"@id" : "ex:crime"}


"actor" : {

   "@id" : "",

   "@context" : {"@vocab" : ""},

   "name" : "Robert Paulson", "foo" : "bar" }


In this case I would expect the implementation would see that actor is a sch:person then populate the node with the @type and assert an @vocab of “ and either error or ignore the foo term.

My concern/wish is that if I use json-ld my code will need to I ensure that the document follows the contract that is made in the context. I am looking at the context as providing a set of element/node level xsd like schema definitions and that a json-ld implementation would validate that the document against those schema’s.  Not sure what value a format has if nothing is enforcing conformance, perhaps I don’t understand the use case well enough.

Am I off base? Is Json-ld meant to be a self-defining message format?

Thank you

From: Gregg Kellogg []
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 1:33 PM
To: Kesterson, Robert D
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: validation of json-ld to context schema

On Dec 3, 2014, at 12:29 PM, Kesterson, Robert D <<>> wrote:


I found the<> context (by using the ACCEPT header and curl). However, what was returned confused me. I expected the context to layout the type/class hierarchy of the vocabulary but instead it provided a limited number of key names definitions.

When I use Google Email Markup Tester it does validate the keys are allowed for a given type, but I don’t see how the context at<> provides the information that a type of Person exists. Hence my question is how is this validation done with<>? Not asking how goggle does it, but how does the spec direct the look up that a Person is a type?

I auto-generate a<> context using code in my implementation (see; it also includes the entire vocabulary definition (in this case, laid out for rendering using D3.js). Downside is that it is a bit chunky, but a JSON-LD processor using it as a context will ignore the vocabulary bits.

Someday, Google may publish something more like this. I’ve encouraged Dan to use something like this, but the Ruby toolset has been a barrier for that infrastructure. But, I agree that a more complete context/vocabulary definition at would be a good idea. The HTTP version could use rel=describedby to reference the vocabulary too.


Thank you,


Received on Thursday, 4 December 2014 19:45:46 UTC