RE: Updated my JSON-LD serializer for the RDFa distiller

Hi Ivan

> although, actually, I have some plans to change the output to do
> something like that anyway, just for my understanding: do you mean to
> say that the approach I have below will become invalid? Ie, that
> putting a URI as a key will become invalid? Or that the alternative of
> using a CURIE become a possibility? I am still a bit messed up...

No, it would still be a completely valid document but the type coercion
wouldn't apply to those properties in the document as you use CURIEs there.
I think an example makes it easier to understand:

    "@context": {
        "foaf": "",
        "": {
            "@type": "@id"
        "foaf:homepage": {
            "@type": "@id"

    "": "",
    "foaf:homepage": "",

    "foaf:mbox": "",
    "": ""

In this example the first two properties would be coerced to IRIs, the
latter two wouldn't. The reason is that a parser wouldn't find the type
coercion as the property keys in the document and in the context don't

Hope this helps.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2012 12:37:34 UTC