Re: lossless paging & volunteering for the army

On 21 Feb 2014, at 15:55, Mark Baker <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 4:24 AM,
> <> wrote:
>> I was thinking that there is an additional reason to have lossless paging
>> which is best explained with the "Volunteering for the army" counter
>> use-case. [1]
>> Given the recent resolution to name ldp:Container what was previously known
>> as the ldp:IndirectContainer [2] a client doing a GET on an LDPC will not
>> know
>> if it can POST to the container without the danger of that action
>> volunteering
>> its owner to the army -- unless it has read through all pages of the
>> container, which
>> may be close to impossible as argued by Sandro.
> AIUI, the POST to a container modifies it's membership.

The POST to container creates a new information resource ( a RDF1.1 Source), 
that is in ldp:contains relation to the LDPC. But it can also create other
relations, called the "Membership triples". 

> In order to
> volunteer for the army, the client would need to POST directly to the
> member that offers that service. Hopefully I haven't missed some
> esoteric aspect of LDP containers during my review?

If you have what used to be known as an ldp:IndirectContainer, and that
is now known as an ldp:Container, your LDPC MUST also contain the 
ldp:membershipResource, hasMemberRelation, and insertedContentRelation triples.

This has lead me to develop my "volunteering for the army" counter-use-case,
which even comes with a famous song
In this example I imagine that some army has posted an LDPC
with the following content: 

   ldp:membershipResource <>;
   ldp:hasMemberRelation army:hasVolunteer;
   ldp:insertedContentRelation dc:author .

A badly programmed LDPC client that did not check the meaning of
army:hasVolunteer may just POST some content to the LDPC and thereby
volunteer its user to the army. If you think this is unlikely then
you may want to consider the wiki page's_shilling

> Mark.

Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 16:34:46 UTC