Re: lossless paging & volunteering for the army

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 11:33 AM,
<> wrote:

>> AIUI, the POST to a container modifies it's membership.
> The POST to container creates a new information resource ( a RDF1.1 Source),
> that is in ldp:contains relation to the LDPC. But it can also create other
> relations, called the "Membership triples".

Ah, there seems to be significant changes since I last looked. I'll
just leave it at this; I consider the design overly complex, tightly
coupled (and therefore unRESTful). But they're consistent with the
general tightly-coupled nature of LDP, so on the upside, shouldn't
make things any worse.


Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 01:05:42 UTC