On 07/28/2014 04:52 AM, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
> - Paths could not be simplified without losing expressivity, I think.
> Sincerely, I find then significantly simpler than BGPs, so if people
> find them complicated, I tend to think that it is due to the way we
> described them more than to the syntax itself.
Let me expand on a previous point elsewhere. I think it would help the
path syntax were more obvious and didn't feel like some new bit of design.
Hm. Looking at your example, you're using schema:attendee backwards.
That was probably one more thing that confused me in looking at the path
example. It's { event attendee person } and you're using it as {
person attendee event }. I'll call it attendeeOf for now.
I find the path example:
Bind ?event <#> /schema:attendeeOf[/schema:url =
<http://conferences.ted.com/TED2009/>] .
maybe more confusing than the BGP:
<#> schema:attendeeOf ?x.
?x schema:url <http://conferences.ted.com/TED2009/>.
But as I think about it, I'm wondering about just using Turtle (extended
with ^ for inverse arcs, which ALMOST made it into Turtle, but is in
SPARQL). Something like:
BIND ?event [ ^schema:attendeeOf <#>; schema:url
<http://conferences.ted.com/TED2009/> ]
Semantics are you parse it as Turtle [extended with ^] to get a rooted
graph, then do a graph match, which must be unitary.
Basically, the "path expression" now it looks like the bit of turtle
that would have been used to create the blank node you're trying to
match, with the added inverse arcs if you happen to know them.
-- Sandro