Client initiated vs Service initiated paging


As the LDP spec stands now all the paging will be server initiated i.e. a
client doesn't have a say whether a resource will be paged or not, isn't it
? So may be the term client-initiated paging could be a bit misleading.

[[ LDPR servers must indicate their support for client-initiated
paging by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the
HTTP response header for link relations using the header name of Link and
link relation type first [RFC5988].

Also in the following section, something seems to be missing when the spec
says 'See for additional details.'.

[[ LDPR servers may split the response representation of any LDPR.
This is known as server-initiated paging. See for additional details.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 02:15:39 UTC