Define a minimal restriction on LDPR representations

Dear all,

The current specification does not impose any absolute (MUST) 
restriction on LDPR representations. Therefore, "almost" any server 
returning text/turtle and satisfying some other protocol restrictions 
would be an LDP-conformant server.

Besides, it is difficult for a client to discover if a server or its 
resources are LDP or not; therefore, it is difficult to know their 
behaviour (e.g., that linked resources can de dereferenced).

To require, similarly as for LDPCs, that LDPR representations are typed 
(i.e., "The representation of a LDPR MUST have rdf:type of ldp:Resource, 
but it MAY have additional rdf:types.").

Kind regards,


Dr. Raúl García Castro

Ontology Engineering Group
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, s/n - Boadilla del Monte - 28660 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 336 36 70 - Fax: +34 91 352 48 19

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 14:26:23 UTC