> On 2013-01-29 2:21 , "Ashok Malhotra" <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com> wrote:
>> 4. Does each LDP model have/need a service document?
>> The question is whether we need a starting point to start navigation and
>> create collections etc. There has been some mail on this. I'm not sure
>> where
>> the WG stands on this but I don't think this is a crucial question for
>> the model.
>> I'm happy to withdraw it.
> i may be wrong, but it seemed to me that mostly, people seemed to dislike
> the term "service document" (which i think i introduced at some point
> because this is the term AtomPub uses). we could also call it a "home
> document". or a "home resource". but from the REST point of view, it's
> impossible not to have such a thing: there must be some starting point
> that is a useful collection of links for clients to start their work, so
> that for example you would take a client driven by our test cases, point
> it to that "home resource", and then it would happily run its tests from
> there, because all essential functions of LDP are exposed as affordances
> within that resource.
I would say that all essential functions of LDP are exposed as affordances within ALL resources.
p.s. related: why does AtomPub have a 'separate' format for it's root document ?
> cheers,
> dret.