Re: Model questions

hello henry.

On 2013-01-29 10:03 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>By sending a create-collection message  (eg MKCOL ) to a collection that
>allows collection  creation. If you follow the parents of such collection
>up you inevitably end up with a root collection:  you can never do
>a root collection.

that's assuming that there is a homogeneous hierarchy. that's certainly
one way to do it, but you will find numerous systems out there where the
highest level is something different and something special, because often
it requires special privileges to be created, and also often questions of
authorization are associated with that highest level.

AtomPub defers that question of creation to out-of-scope, but still has
such a concept, the workspace. a workspace just exists, and contains
collections. the model there was to have workspaces associated with what
in today's cloud parlance would be "tenants".

>If you reject the idea of a root collection then you end up
>with an infinite regress here. Because of whatever R you come up with as
>thing that will create the root collection, you will be able to ask
>with equal justification of R how do you produce it.

yes you can ask, but we as a group can say "that's out of scope and some
admin just does it."



Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 14:44:55 UTC