Re: MKCOL for making collections

"Wilde, Erik" <> wrote on 01/22/2013 12:27:59 PM:

> nope, i'd say that a container/collection only accepts entries (ignoring
> the "non-RDF media type containers/collections" for now), and if you 
> anything else, you'll get a "precondition violated" exception.
> ...

I believe this is where the disconnect is.

If I got it right, in AtomPub and the model Erik is suggesting we adopt 
because it would work both for composition and aggregation, a collection 
doesn't contain member resources directly, it contains entries. Entries 
can then contain resources (composition) or links to other resources 
The cost of this model is to introduce a level of indirection.

LDPC do not have anything like that. Instead, resources are directly 
referenced from the container.
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 21:07:19 UTC