Use case - todo for Henry from 2/18 discussion

Henry, during the Feb 18 call you asked which use case captures the common 
pattern I described (display the members of a "group" to a user with brief 
information about each member)... so we could be sure that at least one 
does capture it.

The best match to me looks like 4.7.2.  I'm not sure if we'd need to add 
"in a UI-performant way" or similar qualification or render explicit the 
case where the members listed are not hosted on the same server (so a 
simple implementation would require n+1 GETs instead of the 1 that a more 
sophisticated one could manage with).  Ditto "same resource".  I think 
many of the user *stories* fit into this pattern ("contact list", "select 
another tool(s) to integrate with", LLD?, ... it's hard for me to point 
out any one where "so a user what's in the group in a UI" would be 

I don't see any equivalent to 4.7.2 for binary resources, but I don't find 
them special in this respect (file system analogy anyone?).  If I look at 
the list of attachments to a bug, work order, etc. typically I see things 
like size, 1 line description, media type (depending on the tool), perhaps 
a less geeky string corresponding to the media type (image, audo file, 

How do you want to handle?  new issue?

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 21:07:44 UTC