Re: ldp-ISSUE-15 (sharing binary resources and metadata): sharing binary resources and metadata [Linked Data Platform core]


On 2012-10-03 11:08 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>I worked on the Atom spec. And at the time I put together an AtomOwl
>I am not sure it is that good.
>But it could be a basis to see how close ldp ontology is to Atom.

there are some differences because of the different metamodel foundations,
but the general concepts we're dealing with have a lot of similarities. just got a very
useful addition, btw, which is a mechanism how DELETE events can now be
represented in atom (RFC 6721). now a collection manager can provide a
feed of updates, and others can listen and perform all possible actions
(create/update/delete) to synchronize their local collections. very useful!



Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 21:44:53 UTC