Re: forms, direction, query, etc …

Hi Roger,

Roger Menday <> wrote on 11/21/2012 12:34:28 

> Arnaud, 
> I notice that your email is in reply to my email :)

Indeed, but don't take it personally, it is not! :-)

> Can I get some clarification please … ?
> This topic - the mechanism of discovering from a resource what can 
> be done to it, and then doing it - has surely to be on the table for
> LDP (?) Not all the solutions require SPARQL, I am quite sure of that. 
> In my opinion, it MUST be possible to build a single generic client,
> which can successfully be used to navigate and negotiate any LDP 
> "service". that's the test for having done RESTful Linked Data, IMO. 
> I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. 

All of the above sounds good to me. What worries me is some of the ideas 
that were discussed (and the subject of that email thread actually) but 
maybe when I see the proposal my worries will vanish. :-)

> regards, 
> Roger
> ...

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 21:44:19 UTC