Re: Creation of Containers

On 11/07/2012 04:38 PM, Niclas Hoyer wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a simple way to create a ldp container? I thought of turning a
> ldp resource into a container just by changing the rdf information, so
> if is a ldp resource the following HTTP
> request could turn the resource into a container:

That's basically the solution that TimBL and I ended up with when
implementing our first RWW server.

I didn't like the fact the server had to look at all the content in
order to decide what to do. That's ugly but we couldn't find anything

The W3C Systeam is very interested in this use-case. Let's say that
our RRSAgent bot wants to store the RDF data for the IRC logs using
LDP instead of CVS. We would need to create first /2012 and then
/2012/11 before being able to create the final LDPR

Makes me think that we will also need a way to suggest templates when
creating resources...


> PUT /resource1 HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Content-Type: text/turtle
> Content-Length: 188
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> <>
>      a ldp:Container ;
>      dcterms:title "A new empty container" .
> Should we cover this in an extra use case?
> A possible implementation could just start with a ldp resource. The user
> or client programs could create containers as they need them. I was
> thinking of a sioc:Thread that could also be a ldp:Container, so that
> other clients could reply on the thread easily.
> --
> Niclas

Received on Thursday, 8 November 2012 03:54:37 UTC