Re: Ten Questions for the Implementation of the Digital Single Market

Dear Philipp, all,

I had read the same sources you cite in the PPT and in consequence I 
share your view.
Nevertheless, I would like to comment on the questions. See below.

El 02/04/2015 15:54, Philipp Cimiano escribió:
> Dear all,
>  thanks to those who attended the call today on the topic 
> "Multilingual Linked Data for the Digital Single Market".
> Here are the 10 important questions that I raised in my slides...
> 1) How do we support SMEs in providing information about products and 
> their features in 24 languages?
> 2) How do we ensure consistency and homogeneity of product information 
> so that Pan-European cross-vendor comparison becomes possible?
I dont think there is much we can do regarding 1-2)
> 3) How do we support online dispute resolution in 24 languages 
> effectively?
> 4) How do we support finding previous online dispute resolution 
> similar cases, also across languages?
There is a recent Directive (Directive 2013/11 on alternative dispute 
resolution for consumer disputes) and a new Regulation (Regulation  No 
524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes), and the
Online Dispute Resolution is a hot topic in the EC agenda. There are a 
few hundreds ADR systems in force, and there is a plea in favour of 
their coordination.
Multilingual Linked Data can play a role here but not a leading role. It 
would be good knowing the requirements of the ODR/ADR community and 
determining if we can be of help.

> 5) How do we support linking of public sector datasets (e.g. business 
> registry data, open government data) etc. across languages effectively 
> to allow for mashups, cross-country comparisons, repurposing of data 
> etc.?
> 6) How do we support SMEs and other organizations in finding and 
> accessing public sector data intuitively?
> 7) How do we ensure interoperability of public services across borders?
> 8) How do we ensure quality of and trust in data?
This problem is not specific of the Multilingual Linked Data
> 9) How do we support clearance of licensing issue to ensure compliance 
> in data use?
This belongs to the private law sphere, and we can do little here, but 
provide the means for a data market --for which we are working already 
> 10) How do we support SMEs in interacting with customers in 24 
> languages and in listening to the voice of customers in 24 languages?
> Do you have any feedback or comments on these 10 questions?
> Comments on how Multilingual Linked Data Technology could contribute 
> to develop solutions to address the above mentioned challenges are 
> more than welcome (see slides 10-15 in my presentation, attached for 
> the sake of easier reference).
Thanks and see you soon!
> Happy easter to everyone!
> Philipp.

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3753
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Monday, 6 April 2015 10:24:01 UTC