[public-json-ld-wg] <none>

Dear Working Group:

I am working on standardization of token implementations on the Ethereum
blockchain and related projects. Our specifications ERC-721 and ERC-1155
depend on JSON-LD, specifically this is how we connect tokens to our data
(like 2018-mazda-with-vin-2938473947937.json) to our schemas (like
cars.json) using the "$schema" link.

Our concern is that simply linking to a document ("$schema": ...) does not
provide integrity. Our workaround is an approach that is similar to the W3C
SRI specification. Our standard draft is at

But we think this approach can be generalized and should be applicable to
other JSON-LD users.

I would like to propose a specification for "$schemaIntegrity",
"@contextIntegrity" and other "@*Integrity" which allows publishers of data
to specify that they are making reference to specific versions of documents.

Would discussion on such a feature be welcome here?

William Entriken

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 21:34:53 UTC