- From: Gregg Kellogg <gregg@greggkellogg.net>
- Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 14:57:16 -0700
- To: W3C JSON-LD Working Group <public-json-ld-wg@w3.org>
One of the three specs has updated using the Echidna process, there are still some issues getting the API and Framing specs updated, but they should be out once the authentication bits have been resolved. > https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-json-ld11-20181011/ <https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-json-ld11-20181011/> Note that we do not include a “Changes from the previous edition” link with diff-marked changes between this WD and the previous FPWD. If someone can think of a way to automate this, we might do so in the future. It would be nice if something like the PR Preview diff view could be automated in. Gregg Kellogg gregg@greggkellogg.net
Received on Thursday, 11 October 2018 21:57:42 UTC