Benjamin Young
Cole, Timothy W
Dan Brickley
Gregg Kellogg
- Re: [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-31
- Re: [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-31
- Re: [agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-10
- Re: Extended types in JSON(-LD)
Ivan Herman
- Re: [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-31
- Re: [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-31
- Fwd: Error in the example 21 of Typed Values
- [json-ld][minutes] 2018-08-24
- [json-ld][minutes] 2018-08-17
- [jsonld][minutes] 2018-08-10
- [json-ld][minutes] 2018-08-03
Leonard Rosenthol
Manu Sporny
Patrick Golden
Robert Sanderson
- JSON-LD Call for Consensus: Publish FPWD of Syntax, API and Framing deliverables
- [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-31
- Discussion of Issues - Improving the process
- [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-24
- [agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-10
- [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-10
- [Agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-08-03