Re: Ambiguity (what else!?) question

[ Apologies for jumping into the middle of this thread; I’m heads down on other things and haven’t really digested it all yet. ]

"Liam R. E. Quin" <> writes:
>> Regular expression *with* conditional text replacement is very
>> powerful, even if the regex library been used itself is limited to
>> regular languages (without backtracking/lookup ahead etc), with
>> control flow it can still be used to simulate these advanced PCRE
>> features with ease.
> Ironically i had filed an issue to add lookahead assertions to qt4, and it was turned down today. Maybe if i’d been able to get to the meeting and argue for how useful they are... :(

As I replied on the QT4 list, the QT4CG is starting to think about the end game and some issues are getting closed without action not because the CG is rejecting them in spirit, but because but no one on the current CG has prioritized doing the detail work. If someone works through the details and makes a complete proposal, it would probably be met favorably.

> So far the hardest part of iXML for me has generally been understanding why a grammar doesn’t match, at least once i got past the somewhat unusual syntax (; for or?? looking like prolog is not a plus for me...)

You can also use “|” for “or” and “=” to separate the left and right hand sides of a rule. I highly recommend them.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 11:14:26 UTC