draft agenda for invisible XML community group call 27 June 2023

[As noted in other mail, I have to offer my regrets for this call.  But
before I disappear down the rabbit hole I did manage to prepare this

ixml meeting 27 June 2023

When: Tuesday 27 June 2023 14:00 UTC for 1 hour

Where: https://meet.google.com/dfz-rwpj-opq 
Minute taker: JL (or he being absent NTW)

IRC: the meetings will be minuted on IRC at [1].  Details of W3C IRC
use are at [2] and [3], hints for using RRSAgent at [4] and [5].

[1] irc://irc.w3.org:6667/%23ixml
[2] https://www.w3.org/wiki/InternetRelayChat
[3] https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC
[4] https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent
[5] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Previous minutes:

Topic: Review of agenda

    0 Identify minute-taker
    1 Review of action items
    2 Status reports
    3 Review, discussion, resolution of issues
    4 Other topics
    5 Next meeting (and next scribe)
    6 Any other business

Details below.

Topic: Previous Actions

ACTION 2023-01-10-b: Michael to take another pass on the EBNF to BNF

ACTION 2023-01-10-f: Norm and Michael to do a bit of revision to
                     improve the draft documentation of the XML
                     vocabulary (see #137) for further discussion.

ACTION 2023-04-11-a: Norm to investigate production of
                     rules-conformant version of spec, for publication
                     as CG Report

ACTION 2023-04-11-c: John to write up his work on grammar import.

ACTION 2023-05-09-d: Steven to produce a discussion document for
                     renaming (issue #13).
ACTION 2023-06-13-a: Steven to make pull request adding ambiguous test
                     to test suite.

ACTION 2023-06-13-b: Steven to make pull request to add spaces test to

ACTION 2023-06-13-c: Norm to assemble a revised proposal on

Topic:  Status reports

Topic:  Status of implementations

Topic:  Status of testing and test suites

Topic:  publication plans

Web Conference reviewers have inquired about our publication plans:

Rules: https://www.w3.org/community/about/faq/#how-do-we-publish-a-report

If no discussion is needed, this item may be skipped.

Topic:  Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues

NB The list below shows only issues open as of the time this agenda
was last revised.  It does not show any issues raised only in email:
if you wish an issue to be discussed, please open an issue in Github.

For all open issues, see https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/

* Issues against the 1.0 spec

Topic:  Issue #176 Encoding CR, NEL, LINE SEPARATOR etc.


        Draft from Norm in pull request 179:

Topic:  Issue #180 Update the 1.0 errata


        Can this be closed now?

Topic:  Issue #185 Characters from the astral plane
        PR 186 Test a grammar with characters outside the BMP


Topic:  Issue #181 Non-serializable characters in the input


        The group needs to formulate an answer.

* Issues relating to Web site and ancillary documents

Topic:  Issue #139 Sample grammars for IRIs and URIs

        See proposal at

        Revised proposal from Steven:

Topic:  Description of EBNF to BNF translation

        See also:

        Awaiting progress on action 2023-01-10-b (Michael).

Topic:  Issue #137 Document the XML tag set of ixml grammars


        Awaiting progress on action 2023-01-10-f (Norm and Michael).

* v.Next issues

Topic:  Issue #13 Renaming proposal (for v.Next) 

        Expecting proposal from Steven (2023-05-09-d).

Topic:  Issue #75 A Combining grammars (for v.Next)


        We need to discuss the use-cases document proposed by Norm.
        MSM proposes the functionality of RNG as a minimum.

Topic:  Issue #168 Dynamic naming / name from the input data 

        See discussion document from John:

Topic: Other topics

Topic:  Plans for further work

Topic: Website

Topic: Next meeting

Normal date for ixml meetings is every other Tuesday at 3 pm British
Time, 4 pm Central European Time (14:00 UTC during summer time, 15:00
UTC during winter time).  For the foreseeable future, we meet in weeks
whose numbers in the ISO week numbering are even.

On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday 11 July, at
14:00 UTC for one hour.


For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:

  M Sperberg-McQueen 2023-03-14
  John Lumley        2022-04-11
  Norm Tovey-Walsh   2023-05-09
  Steven Pemberton   2023-06-13

Topic: Any other business 

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 00:44:07 UTC