Re: draft agenda for ixml community group call 12 December 2023

There are two issues I would like to see on this or a future agenda:

Problems with prolog

When is a new version number required


On Tuesday 12 December 2023 02:48:26 (+01:00), C. M. Sperberg-McQueen 

 > ixml meeting 12 December 2023
 > When: Tuesday 12 December 2023 15:00 UTC for 1 hour
 > Where: 
 > Minute taker: NTW (or he being absent SP)
 > IRC: the meetings will be minuted on IRC at [1].  Details of W3C IRC
 > use are at [2] and [3], hints for using RRSAgent at [4] and [5].
 > [1] irc://
 > [2]
 > [3]
 > [4]
 > [5]
 > Previous minutes:
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic: Review of agenda
 > ****************************************************************
 >     0 Identify minute-taker
 >     1 Review of action items
 >     2 Status reports
 >     3 Review, discussion, resolution of issues
 >     4 Other topics
 >     5 Next meeting (and next scribe)
 >     6 Any other business
 > Details below.
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic: Previous Actions
 > ****************************************************************
 > ACTION 2023-01-10-f: Norm and Michael to do a bit of revision to
 >                      improve the draft documentation of the XML
 >                      vocabulary (see #137) for further discussion.
 > ACTION 2023-10-17-a: SP to document the modified IRI/URI grammar to
 >                      make clearer why you might want it / need it, in
 >                      preference to the literal transcription of the
 >                      grammars in the RFCs.
 > ACTION 2023-11-28-a: SP to make pull request adding his proposed
 >                      addition to section 3.3 ("Names are
 >                      case-sensitive.").
 > ACTION 2023-11-28-b: SP as group chair to ask W3C to publish the ixml
 >                      spec as report.
 > ACTION 2023-11-28-c: SP to review the EBNF to BNF document.
 > ACTION 2023-11-28-d: Norm to tidy 'Extraneous material in section on
 >                      Serialization' (issue #210)
 >                      DONE.  See PR #221.
 > ACTION 2023-11-28-e: MSM to write a proposal regarding full stops in
 >                      names.
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic:  Status reports
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic:  Status of implementations
 > Topic:  Status of testing and test suites
 > See also test-suite related issues below.
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic:  publication plans
 > ****************************************************************
 > Web Conference reviewers have inquired about our publication plans:
 > Rules:
 > If no discussion is needed, this item may be skipped.
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic:  Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues
 > ****************************************************************
 > NB The list below shows only issues open as of the time this agenda
 > was last revised.  It does not show any issues raised only in email:
 > if you wish an issue to be discussed, please open an issue in Github.
 > For all open issues, see
 > * Issues against the 1.0 spec
 > None.
 > * Issues relating to test suite
 > Topic:  Pull request #224 Mitigating ambiguity in mod357
 > Topic:  Pull request #225 Fix errors in ixml-spec-grammar performance 
test for XPath
 > Topic:  Pull request #226 Additional result for performantce/xpath 
 > Topic:  Pull request #227 Extraneous #D in performance/oberon expected 
 > * Issues relating to Web site and ancillary documents
 > Topic:  Pull request #228 Mitigating ambiguity in mod357
 > Topic:  Issue #198 Check test suite browser is updated on additions
 > Topic:  Issue #139 Sample grammars for IRIs and URIs
 >         Awaiting prose from SP (action 2023-10-17-a).
 >         See proposal at
 >         Revised proposal from Steven:
 > Topic:  Issue #137 Document the XML tag set of ixml grammars
 >         Awaiting progress on action 2023-01-10-f (Norm and Michael).
 > * v.Next issues
 > Topic:  Issue #210 Extraneous material in section on Serialization
 >         To be resolved by action 2023-11-28-d (NTW).  See PR #221.
 > Topic:  Issue #203 Spec should say nonterminals are case-sensitive
 >         Awaiting pull request (action 2023-11-28-a).
 > Topic:  Issue #202 Spec should say Unicode version is 
 >         Awaiting proposal (but no action was assigned?).
 > Topic:  Issue #199 Require whitespace between prolog and first rule?
 >         Awaiting pull request?
 > Topic:  Issue #192 Normalizing line endings in ixml inputs
 >         See thread beginning at
 > Topic:  Issue #75 Combining grammars (for v.Next)
 >         We need to discuss the use-cases document proposed by Norm.
 >         MSM proposes the functionality of RNG as a minimum.
 > Topic:  Issue #168 Dynamic naming / name from the input data 
 >         See discussion document from John:
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic: Other topics
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic:  Plans for further work
 > Topic: Website
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic: Next meeting
 > ****************************************************************
 > Normal date and time for ixml meetings is every other Tuesday at 3 pm
 > British Time, 4 pm Central European Time (14:00 UTC during summer
 > time, 15:00 UTC during winter time).  For the foreseeable future, we
 > meet in weeks whose numbers in the ISO week numbering are even.
 > On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday 26 December,
 > at 15:00 UTC for one hour.  If that meeting were to be omitted, the
 > next meeting would be 9 January 2024.
 > For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:
 >   Norm Tovey-Walsh   2023-09-05
 >   Steven Pemberton   2023-10-03
 >   M Sperberg-McQueen 2023-10-17
 >   John Lumley        2023-11-28
 > ****************************************************************
 > Topic: Any other business 
 > ****************************************************************

Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2023 14:18:10 UTC