Re: On pragmas…

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen writes:

> If we are communicating with an ixml processor, it is not necessary to
> use a pragma to communicate information already communicated by the
> grammar, so I think the only plausible use cases for pragmas are for
> communicating information that is not expressible using ixml as
> specified.  

That was carelessly put. My apologies.

I should have said that "many" (not "the only") plausible use cases for
pragmas in a language involve communicating information not expressible
in the language as specified.

Another class of use cases involves information which *can* be expressed
without the pragma, but which the pragma allows to be expressed more
conveniently.  The use case John Lumley sometimes brings up is an
example: it uses a pragma to request a specified rewriting of a rule or
grammar.  As we know, the rewritten grammar is expressible in ixml but
is roughly double in size and error-prone to edit. (Here, too, the
Pascal standard seems to have been familiar with the phenomenon: it
foresees Pascal implementations providing alternative synta for some
constructs and requires that conforming implementations (a) not
*require* such alternate syntax to be used, and (b) be able to treat it
as an error.)

Pragmas that request a behavior that could be achieved by a
source-to-source transformation of the ixml grammar (or input) can of
course in principle be dispensed with:  the user could write a shell
script which accepts a grammar G and an input I and produces output, by
first running a grammatical transformation on G to produce grammar G',
and then running a conventional ixml processor to parse I against G'.
There are some evident advantages if the user does not have to write
such a shell; I assume that similar advantages persuaded the designers
of C to specify that the pre-processor is part of any C compiler.

Pragmas providing information that has no expression in standard ixml
cannot, in principle, be dispensed with in the same way. For that reason
I tend to regard them as more compelling use cases.  And for the same
reason I would be reluctant to forbid pragmas which extend the base
spec, even if I thought it might be possible to formulate words in the
spec which could capture that thought in a suitable way.  (Since I
believe there is no real possibility of capturing such a requirement in
testable spec prose, let alone enforcing it, the idea is in any case I
think purely a thought experiment.  That is another reason, perhaps,
that I am surprised that Steven expresses surprise that the pragmas
proposal allows pragmas to be defined with meanings that cannot be
captured in standard ixml.  I don't think there is any coherent way to
forbid it, so I am surprised that Steven appears to have expected it to
be forbidden.)

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2022 21:54:06 UTC