Re: draft agenda for ixml community group meeting 8 March 2022 (or ... whenever)

"C. M. Sperberg-McQueen" <> writes:
> It's not clear to me whether we are planning to meet tomorrow or not.
> - Notes from earlier meetings say we have regrets from Steven (though
>   his mail about getting Covid suggests otherwise) and John.

I was confused by that too. Steven, please rest and get well soon!

> - Norm has several times said he would not like to skip two weeks in a
>   row.


> - But no one seems to have responded to his inquiry about whether people
>   can meet on any other day.

You did, but no one else did. :-(

I suggest we plan to meet today. We can have an informal chat about
things even if we aren’t “quorate”.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2022 09:12:48 UTC