Re: Minutes ixml community group meeting Tuesday 18 January 2022

Steven Pemberton writes:

> Summary of action items
> Steven: make empty visible in the ixml grammar
> Neither done nor not-done: there were no empty alternatives in the
> grammar.

I understood the action to be in connection with the rewrite rules in
the Hints to Implementors section, where empty alternatives do arise, as
well as in any examples where empty alternatives occur.

In the version of 24 January, I see that the only occurrence of an empty
alternative in the Hints is rendered as (), and I saw no other empty
alternatives in examples, so I think this has been done.

> Steven: Commit new version
> Steven: remove dstring and sstring differentiation from grammar
> Done and done, but in the opposite order.

Fwiw, I was surprised looking at the spec to see that the nonterminals
dstring and sstring have disappeared; I had only expected the attribute
name to change.

The fragment of the XML form of the grammar appears still to have
dstring and sstring attributes.

And for the record, the draft of 24 January does not yet reflect the
decision made last week on issue #5.

        range: from, -"-", s, to.
        @from: character.
          @to: character.
   -character: -'"', dchar, -'"', s;
               -"'", schar, -"'", s;
               "#", hex, s.

needs to change to something like

        range: from, s, -"-", s, to, s.
        @from: character.
          @to: character.
   -character: -'"', dchar, -'"';
               -"'", schar, -"'";
               "#", hex.

moving the occurrences of s out of character (and thus out of the from
and to attributes) and into range.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Monday, 24 January 2022 15:28:34 UTC